The President’s 2023 Annual Report of the Civil War Study Group, Inc.

The Civil War Study Group, Inc., and its informal public organization, Civil War Study Group at Lake of the Woods, completed its thirteenth year.


Current officers elected by the Board at the Dec. 2, 2022 Annual Board Meeting:

  • President: Charles Brewer
  • Vice President: Jack Phend
  • Secretary: Gregg Major
  • Treasurer: Boggs Wright

Other Board Members include:

o   Craig Rains

o   Jill Iglehart

o   Joe Rokus

o   Deke Iglehart

o   Bob Johnson

o   Tom Neubig

Monthly Meetings

With elimination of pandemic protocols, all meetings were held in person in 2023.

Civil War Study Group Programs, 2023


Speaker, Program



YouTube Views

Jan 17

Bob Stone, Notable Women in the Civil War–Revisited



Feb 24

Kevin Pawlak, Antietam Endgame: The Conclusion of Lee’s Maryland Invasion, Sept. 18-20, 1862



Mar 24

Don Pfanz, Negligence on the Right: The Eleventh Corps at Chancellorsville



Apr 28

Gene Betit, Colored Troops in the Confederate Army



May 26

William Connery, President Tyler and the Peace Conference



Jun 23

Gregg Clemmer, Who the h#** was Old Alleghany?



Jul 28

Dr. Daryl Black, God is Blessing in the Army: Revival Religion in Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia



Aug 25

Jack Phend, Disecting Battle in the Wilderness: the 1866 Photographic Oddessy of Surgeon General Reed



Sep 22

Bob O’Neill, Important Riots, The Cavalry Battle of Aldie, Middlebug and Upperville



Oct 27

Lewis H. Rodgers (Superintendent, FSNMP), NPS–Heart and Soul



Nov 17

Dr. Peter Rainey, Mine Run: The Army of the Potomac Withdrew in Anger


56 a/o 11/23





ORANGE COUNTY 4TH GRADER HISTORY POSTER JUDGING. Directors Jill and Deke Iglehart were in contact with the two Orange County elementary schools we’ve partnered with in the past. Regrettably, the two schools were not yet ready to reestablish the program on their end. In the Fall, the Igleharts resumed their discussions with the schools, and announced in November the dates in May for the judging and recognition.

CUB SCOUT PACK 197 CLEANS UP OUR HISTORICAL MARKERS. The partnership with Cub Scout Troop 197 (Lake of the Woods Church), arranged in 2020 by VP Jack Phend interacting with scout master Jack Simons, continues. Pack Leader Jack Simon reports that this year’s cleanup occurred on November 18.

TOUR FOR APPERSON DESCENDANTS. In September, LOWA Asst. Mgr. Caroline Brodeur touched base concerning a request by Apperson family descendants to visit several locations in LOW associated with their ancestors. CWSG VP Jack Phend stepped forward and gave a well-received tour on Oct. 21.

RELOCATION OF ARTIFACTS CABINET. In mid-summer Clubhouse Mgr Ryan Richardson notified us that, due to extensive CH restoration in January 2024, the display cabinet location would no longer be available. He offered relocation to the entrance foyer of the Woods Center. Many of us concurred that this was a good alternative, that indeed more people might spend more quality time looking at the contents as opposed to the historic CH location. Board MemberJoe Rokus stepped forward to organize this effort. Regrettably, there were issues of lack of timely response from the CH Mgr. Joe and a group of Board members successfully emptied the artifact contents on Nov 28. As of the time of this writing (Nov 30, 8AM) there was an email from the CH Mgr that the cabinet transfer was occurring that very morning


  • Improvement in group use of CWSGI Google Mail account
  • Created a Directors’ sub-group for finding speakers. Jack Phend, Craig Rains, Tom Neubig, Greg Major and Charles Brewer coordinated well in search for and scheduling of speakers for 2024.

Respectfully submitted,

Charles Brewer, President Civil War Study Group, Inc.

December 4, 2023

 The President’s 2022 Annual Report of the Civil War Study Group, Inc.Locust Grove, Virginia 

The Civil War Study Group, Inc., and its informal public organization, Civil War Study Group at Lake of the Woods, completed its twelfth year. 

During this year of relaxing pandemic protocols mostly in-person meetings were held in the Lake of the Woods Clubhouse Great Hall. 


By email and in person Joe Rokus, Secretary since CWSGI founding has announced his intention to resign that position.

The officer positions will expire as of the Dec. 2023 Annual Board Meeting. As a result, Board members should examine their intentions. President Charles Brewer has informed the Board a few times during the year that he will continue in the position, if nominated and elected, only if there is an improved sharing of tasks necessary for the successful operation of the Group’s activities.


Civil War Study Group Programs, 2022


Speaker, Program



YouTube Views

Jan 28

Bob Stone, First Battle of Kernstown



Feb 25

John Hennessy, Ellwood’s Anthony Jone’s Legacy: A Window on Slavery, Freedom, and a Nation Coping



Mar 25

Jack Phend, The 1864 G. K. Warren Staff Photo: Is this picture worth 1,000 words?



Apr 22

Eric Mink, NPS Historian, The CCC in the Wilderness – Rebuilding a Battlefield



May 14

Carleton Young, Voices in the Attic



Jun 24

Gene Betit, The 10 Battles In and Around Winchester



Jul 22

Bruce “Doc” Norton, The United States Marines in the Civil War — Harpers Ferry



Aug 11

Piedmont Environmental Council, Concerns About the Wilderness Crossing Project, Impact on Battlefield Park



Aug 26

Mike Block, Battle of Cedar Mountain



Sep 23

Pete Rainey, Four Generals and a Horse



Oct 28

Tom Neubig, The Winter Encampments of 1863/64



Nov 18

John Kanaster, 159th Anniversary of the battle of Mine Run

NOTE: There was also a battlefield tour by John Kanaster in the afternoon with 22 participants.







Concerns of effects upon Wilderness Battlefield and environs from proposed Wilderness Crossing development. In November we partnered with the Piedmont Environmental Council to hold an informational session, via Zoom, to educate interested parties of the potential effects on Wilderness Battlefield and environs of the proposed Wilderness Crossings development. (As can be seen in the table above, there were 90+ participants in the Zoom presentation, and subsequently 264 views of the recorded program on YouTube. This latter figure, I think, is a great example of continuing our use of a YouTube channel to expand the numbers of people our programs reach.)

CUB SCOUT PACK 197 CLEANS UP OUR HISTORICAL MARKERS. The partnership with Cub Scout Troop 197 (Lake of the Woods Church), arranged in 2020 by VP Jack Phend interacting with scout master Jack Simons, continues. Pack Leader Jack Simon reports that this activity is now part of their annual schedule of projects for the scouts.

Respectfully submitted, 

Charles Brewer, President Civil War Study Group, Inc. 

December 2, 2022 

The President’s 2021 Annual Report of the Civil War Study Group, Inc.

Locust Grove, Virginia

The Civil War Study Group, Inc., and its informal public organization, Civil War Study Group at Lake of the Woods, completed its eleventh year.

During this year of pandemic protocols, attendance at regular monthly meetings were in the mid 20s to mid 30s. In person meetings were held in May, and July through November.


In the Spring, Board member Allie Felder tendered his resignation due to his travel schedule and other commitments.

Prior to an Aug 18, 2021 Board meeting, held on Zoom, the Board approved unanimously the addition of two Board members, Jill Iglehart and Deke Igelhart. The Igleharts were welcomed “on board” at the Aug 18 meeting.

Current Board Membership:

President – Charles Brewer

Vice President – Jack Phend

Secretary – Joe Rokus

Treasurer – Boggs Wright

Craig Rains

Bob Johnson

Greg Stoner

Greg Major

Jill Iglehart

Deke Iglehart

The officer positions will expire as of the Dec. 2022 Annual Board Meeting. As a result, Board members should examine their intentions. Both President Charles Brewer and Secretary Joe Rokus have announced their desire to not continue in their offices beyond 2022.



# Attending/

YouTube Views

Jan 2233/82Bob Stone, West Virginia Statehood
Feb 2630/48USPS Ranger Johan Launius, Sand Creek Massacre
Mar 2630/56Historian Jim Lewis, “Consummate Soldier, Charles Russell Lowell”
Apr 2322/146Craig Rains, CWSG Board, “Historic St. George Episcopal Church During the Civil War”
May 2140/66USPS Ranger Historian Patrick Schroeder, “146th New York Zuoaves in Saunders Field”
Jun 24


Historian Jeffrey Hunt, “Meade and Lee at Rappahannock Station: The Army of the Potomac’s First Post-Gettysburg Offensive, From Kelly’s Ford to the Rapidan, October 21 to November 21, 1863”
Jul 23


Peter G Rainey, CWSG Founding Member, “Old Soldiers Do Not Lie: They Become Politicians”
Aug 27


Terry Rensel, Executive Director of the Central Virginia Battlefield Trust, spoke on CVBT’s 25 years as the area’s leading historical preservationist, as well as the current campaign to add 36 acres to the Wilderness Battlefield
Sep 2363/63ANNUAL DINNER: Historian Gregg Clemmer, “Why The Civil War Still Lives”
Oct 22


Historian Jane Connor, “Dr. Mary Walker in the Civil War”
Nov 1933/44Historian John Reeves, “A Fire in the Wilderness: The First Battle Between Ulysses S Grant and Robert E Lee”


CUB SCOUT PACK 197 CLEANS UP OUR HISTORICAL MARKERS. The partnership with Cub Scout Troop 197 (Lake of the Woods Church), arranged in 2020 by VP Jack Phend interacting with scout master Jack Simons, continued into the new year.

GUEST SPEAKER PARKING SIGN. Director Craig Rains arranged with Ryan Richardson, Clubhouse Manager, to cover, during out meetings, the Reserved for Pickup sign with a sign Reserved for CWSG Speaker. He arranged for the sign’s manufacture, and personally places it outside the Clubhouse entrance prior to meetings, and removes it afterwards.

Respectfully submitted,

Charles Brewer

President Civil War Study Group, Inc.

December 3, 2021

 The President’s 2020 Annual Report of the Civil War Study Group, Inc., Locust Grove, Virginia

The Civil War Study Group, Inc., and its informal public organization, Civil War Study Group at Lake of the Woods, completed its tenth year.

Attendance at regular monthly meetings continues to exceed 25, sometimes as high as the 50s or more. Sadly, with the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions, and scheduled presenters preference for giving their talks in person, rather than virtually, there wer no meetings March through October. Our November program WAS held over Zoom conference session, and we had 28 participants. We have more than 250 names on our email list.


Officers elected at the 2019 Annual Board Meeting, and other Board members are as follows:

President – Charles Brewer

Vice President – Jack Phend

Secretary – Joe Rokus

Treasurer – Boggs Wright

Craig Rains

Bob Johnson

Allie Felder

Greg Stoner

Greg Major



# Attending


Jan 24


Bob Epp, Bob Lookabill  & Bob Johnson discussed Civil War genealogy. Bob Johnson began with a review of available resources, and focus on their use in completing part of his family tree based upon Civil War diary entries of an ancestor.

Feb 28


Bob Stone, Notable Women in the Civil War: This talk explored the lives of 14 American women (both North & South) who did notable service in the American Civil War in some field of endeavor not normally associated with women in that era of American life.

Mar 27


No Mtg Due to Covid retrictions thru October

 DUE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC, THIS MEETING WAS CANCELLED! We hope to reschedule Ms. Conner at a later date. Jane Conner, Lincoln in Stafford: In 1862 and 1863, Lincoln visited Stafford County, Virginia six different times, for a total of fourteen days.

Apr 24


CANCELLED! Jim Lewis, “Consumate Soldier: Charles Russell Lowell, Jr.”: Charles Russell Lowell was born into a life of privilege in the Boston, MA area; however, he took a different path! 

May 22


CANCELLED! Elizabeth Varon, “Armies of Deliverance”—In her comprehensive history of the American Civil War, Varon, University of Virginia professor of American History, argues that the Union was motivated to fight not only to free the slaves, but also to redeem white Southerners from the tyranny of the planter class and the slaveholding economy.

Jun 26


CANCELLED – Peter Rainey, “Old Soldiers Do Not Lie, They Become Politicians!”: Gordon’s Flank Attack takes place within a square mile of Orange County and only involved a handful of Generals. Of those, one went on to be a U.S. President, two became U.S, Senators, one a Mayor and one the unelected leader of “The South Will Rise Again.”

Jul 24


CANCELLED! Originally scheduled was the talk eventually given at the November meeting!

Aug 28


CANCELLED! Gregg Clemmer, “Why the Civil War Still Lives”: Clemmer compares and contrasts the details and events of the 1860s with those today — everything from clothing styles, poems, and music to speeches, food, and quotes to the famous, infamous, and forgotten.

Sep 25


CANCELLED! Jane Conner, “Sinner, Saints, and Soldiers”: Jane’s book, “Sinner, Saints, and Soldiers” talks about three women and three men who were in the Fredericksburg area during the Civil War.

Oct 23


Annual Dinner, RESCHEDULED TO MAY, 2021. Patrick Schroeder, NPS Historian at Appomattox Court House National Historical Park.  A Civil War author/historian, Patrick will speak about the 146th New York Zouaves, who were engaged in the fighting at Saunders Field in May 1864.

Nov 20


ZOOM VIRTUAL MEETING. Bob Lookabill & Bob Epp – Ellwood Hospital Exhibit




CUB SCOUT PACK 197 CLEANS UP OUR HISTORICAL MARKERS. In November, a number of scouts, mostly from LOWA Church’s Cub Scout Pack 197, engaged in a public service action by cleaning up the following: each of the 6 interpretive panels CWSG has gifted to LOWQ over the years; markers at the Apperson Cemetery and the Memorial to the Fallen at LOWA Church; and, cleaned up brush, etc. at the Spotswood Cemetery. This was accomplished by VP Jack Phend interacting with scout master Jack Simons.

GUEST SPEAKER PARKING SIGN. Director Craig Rains arranged with Ryan Richardson, Clubhouse Manager, to cover, during our meetings, the Reserved for Pickup sign with a sign Reserved for CWSG Speaker. This will allow a convenience to our speakers, when public meetings can resume. Craig also contracted to have the sign cover made.

Respectfully submitted,

Charles Brewer

President Civil War Study Group, Inc.

December 18, 2020

 The President’s 2019 Annual Report 

of the Civil War Study Group, Inc. 

Locust Grove, Virginia 

The Civil War Study Group, Inc., and its informal public organization, Civil War Study Group at Lake of the Woods, completed its ninth successful year. 

Attendance at regular monthly meetings continues to exceed 25, sometimes as high as the 50s or more. We have more than 250 names on our email list. The organization does not have general membership, nor does it have dues. Its officers and directors serve with no remuneration and its projects are funded through donations and periodic fund raising events. 


Officers elected at the 2019 Annual Board Meeting, and other Board members are as follows: 

President – Charles Brewer 

Vice President – Jack Phend 

Secretary – Joe Rokus 

Treasurer – Boggs Wright 

Craig Rains

Bob Johnson

Allie Felder

Greg Stoner

Greg Major



# Attending


Jan 25


John Hennessey, NPS. Gave a speech on “The Civil War’s Legacy and Its Place in Our Modern Culture”

Feb 22


Dr. John Tole, President of Rappahannock Historical Society, presented “General Joshua Chamberlain: Soul of a Lion”

Mar 22



Robert Stone, LOW resident, gave a presentation on the Confederate Jones/Imboden Raid into Western Virginia: “The River of Fire”

Apr 26


Frank O’Reilly, Lead Historian, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park spoke on: “A Fierce and Deadly Conquest” about how a maverick officer from Mississippi, William Barksdale, ruined the Union plans for battle, setting the stage for Lee’s most resounding victory.

May 24


Jeff McClurken, University of Mary Washington. Dr. McClurken’s spoke about his findings presented in his 2009 monograph “Take Care of the Living: Reconstructing Virginia’s Confederate Veteran Families.”

Jun 28


Bob O’Neill of King George County, who specializes in studying Civil War cavalry engagements, gave a presentation on Jeb Stuart’s Christmas Raid of December 1862.

Jul 26


Jeff Hunt, historian, gave a presentation on “Meade and Lee at Bristoe Station

Aug 23


Gene Betit, historian, discussed a topic from his new book: “US Colored Troops’ Decisive Role In The Civil War,” US Colored Troops in the Civil War

Sep 27


Luisa Dispenzirie, NPS Museum Curator, Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania National Military Park. Luisa shared with us some of the background of how her office handles historic artifacts. Background: Luisa is the NPS contact Joe Rokus worked with on the digitization of the correspondence of Sgt. Jerome Pierce, a project to which many of you contributed considerable talent and time! (She has degrees from University of Mary Washington and George Washington University.)

Oct 18


ANNUAL DINNER Speaker Chris Mackowski, historian, gave a talk on the Mine Run Campaign, the subject his latest book “The Great Battle Never Fought: Mine Run.” The first two recipients of the new Dr. Peter G. Rainey Award were recognized.

Nov 22


Theresa Tempestra, a social studies teacher at Massaponax High School in Spotsylvania County, gave a presentation of her experiences as recipient of the CWSG scholarship to attend the American Battlefields Trust’s summer Teacher Institute in Raleigh, NC 




ORANGE COUNTY SCHOOLS HISTORICAL PROJECT. In May, the Civil War Study Group conducted the judging of posters by Locust Grove Elementary School and Lightfoot Elementary School fourth-grade students in the annual History Day Educational Program. Board member Allie Felder was in charge of the project that involved several CWSG volunteers who did the judging; followed by a Clubhouse reception, with refreshments, to recognize Blue Ribbon winners. 

FUNDRAISING FOR RESTORATION OF MINE RUN CAMPAIGN STATE HISTORICAL MARKER. Vice President Jack Phend recognized a need to replace a damaged, subsequently missing Virginia state historic JJ-10 recounting the local Mine Run Campaign of late 1863. Jack’s endeavors included consultation with Virginia Department of Historic Resources, Virginia Department of Transportation, Orange County Tourism Office, the owners of Locust Grove Town Center, and numerous contributors to the changed message envisioned by Jack and others. His efforts, most importantly, included a very successful fundraising campaign. While funds were raised mostly from individuals, there were two sizable donations from Orange County Tourism Office and Friends of Wilderness Battlefield.

INTRODUCTION OF DR. PETER G. RAINEY AWARD. This new award was created for occasional recognition, not necessarily each and every year, of outstanding contributions to supporting CWSG’s mission. The award is named in honor of Dr. Peter G. Rainey, founding President of CWSG. The first recipients were honored at the October 18, 2019 Annual Dinner. In the future, it is intended that this honor be conferred to individuals both inside and outside of CWSG’s realm of operation, and that the Board be totally involved in the award process going forward. The first two recipients were honored at our Oct. 18, 2019 Annual Dinner: Jack Phend for his successful efforts to raise interest and funds, as well as orchestrate with the Virginia Department of Historic Resources the replacement of the Mine Run Campaign marker on Rt. 20 near Generals Quarters Restaurant; and, Joe Rokus for his successful leadership and guidance in the team that transcribed over 200 letters from Union Sgt. Jerome Pierce (to family and friends in Massachusetts) that are in possession of the Fredericksburg-Spotsylvania National Military Park.

IMPROVEMENTS TO THE MEMORIAL FOR THE FALLEN. This memorial adjacent to the Lake of the Woods Church parking lot needed some beautification. Under the leadership of Craig Rains, Bob Johnson and Joe Rokus bollards were ordered constructed for placement, with chains around the front and sides of the memorial space. $700 in budgeted funds were used for this project.

NATIONAL TEACHER INSTITUTE. This year we budgeted $1,000 towards the expenses of an area history teacher to attend the American Battlefields Teacher Institute, held this year in Ralieigh, NC. Theresa Tempesta, a history and social studies teacher at Spotsylvania County’s Massaponax High School, was our recipient. Theresa gave an exceptionally good and well-received presentation at our November meeting.

DRIVING TOUR BROCHURES. Board member Bob Johnson ported to our website this year his driving tour of the historical sites within Lake of the Woods, as well as a driving tour of the major points of interest in the Wilderness Battlefield. After some amount of planning and production, we published this Fall a trifold driving tour of the Lake of the Woods historical site markers this group has put in place over the years. While some of the brochures are already in circulation, many more will be distributed as part of the Lake of the Woods welcome package to new residents, and to local realtors for sharing with their customers. $220 in budgeted funds was used for this project.

Respectfully submitted, 

Charles Brewer 

President Civil War Study Group, Inc. 

December 06, 2019 

The President’s 2018 Annual Report 

of the Civil War Study Group, Inc. 

Locust Grove, Virginia 

The Civil War Study Group, Inc., and its informal public organization, Civil War Study Group at Lake of the Woods, completed its eigth successful year. 

Attendance at regular monthly meetings continues to exceed 25, sometimes as high as the 50s. We have more than 250 names on our email list. The organization does not have general membership, nor does it have dues. Its officers and directors serve with no remuneration and its projects are funded through donations and periodic fund raising events. 


In September, the board expressed its regret on the death of founding member, Vice President and Board Member Dwight Mottet in late August.

Officers elected at the Dec. 11, 2018 annual meeting, and other Board members are as follows: 

President – Charles Brewer 

Vice President – Jack Phend 

Secretary – Joe Rokus 

Treasurer – Boggs Wright 

Craig Rains

Bob Johnson

Allie Felder

Greg Stoner

Greg Major


·      January 26 — NO MEETING

·      February 22 – Greg Mertz, NPS. “Barriers to Battle:  Fords Along the Rapidan”  Greg gave an inside presentation of his annual canoe trip (sans canoe!).

·      March 23 — Rebekah Oakes, NPS.  “Belonging to the Ages:  Abraham Lincoln in Myth and Memory.”  Over the last 150 years we have cast him in copper and bronze, enshrined him in stone, and even occasionally transformed him into a vampire hunter!  Rebekah’s talk explored how Lincoln’s memory has been interpreted, debated, and used by generations of Americans from his death until the present day. 

·      April 27 — Zann Nelson’s talk was based upon her research for the Montpelier Foundation study “The  African American Descendants’ Quest.”  She talked about enslaved men born in Orange County, the participation of some in the US Colored Troops, and then traced the post Emancipation lives of some of the freedmen who ended up working for the gold mines in the area.

·      May 24 — Jim Carson, retired CIA, gave a talk centered on his new book “Chasing Mosby, Shooting Booth.”  The book details the exploits of the 16th New York Volunteer Cavalry. 

·      June 22 — Capt. Ed Gantt spoke about the US Colored Troops in the Battle of the Wilderness. 

·      July 27 — The “First” Campaign: LOW resident Bob Stone for the past 13 years has taught the Civil War curriculum at Encore Learning of Arlington, VA, an affiliate organization of George Mason University which offers college-level courses to retired adults.  His talk on July 27 covered Gen. George B. McClellan’s May 1861 campaign to drive all Confederate troops out of western Virginia and to secure the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad plus the major roads cutting through that part of Virginia.  The talk highlighted some of the “firsts” while describing the major actions of the campaign and the field generalship of George B. McClellan. 

·      August 24 — Joe Rokus presented a talk on Sgt. Jerome Peirce.  Peirce was in the 36th Massachusetts which saw action in the Western Theater (Vicksburg and other battles) before coming East to be included in Burnside’s 9th Corps.  He was killed at Spotsylvania Courthouse.  His remains were eventually reinterred at Fredericksburg National Cemetery, where for many years annual delivery of flowers to his grave were a mystery.

·      September 27 — Sharon Grubbs, 6th Grade teacher at Locust Grove Middle School, talked about her experiences and impressions from attending, as our scholarship recipient, the American Battlefield Trust’s Teachers Institute this July.

·      October 26 –  Annual Dinner, Dr. Elizabeth Varon, UVA historian, spoke about Elizabeth Van Lew who plied her trade as a Union spy in Richmond! LOW Clubhouse.  

·      November 30 —  John Hennessy, National Park Service Historian, gave a talk about General Joseph Hooker, head of the Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Chancellorsville! 

·      December – NO MEETING


ORANGE COUNTY SCHOOLS HISTORICAL PROJECT. In May, the Civil War Study Group conducted the judging of posters by Locust Grove Elementary School and Lightfoot Elementary School fourth-grade students in the annual History Day Educational Program. Board member Allie Felder was in charge of the project that involved several CWSG volunteers who did the judging. 

PHOTO GALLERY RESTORED TO LOW CLUBHOUSE.  Working with the LOWA Clubhouse Committee, Jack Phend and Charles Brewer determined the best location of the photo gallery, previously in the main Clubhouse hallway opposite our artifacts cabinet, was in the Clubhouse entrance vestibule. Due to concern over security of the items, many of which are on loan, it was determined that a lockable display box would be best. Charles Brewer worked with  Glynn Smith and Hal Wood of the LOW Woodworkers Club (WC). The WC built the cabinet at cost based upon a design by Charles Brewer, and LOWA facilities management mounted the cabinet to wall studs as well as supplied a nearby electrical outlet. Craig Rains and Charles Brewer populated the cabinet at the end of May.

SGT. JEROME PIERCE LETTER TRANSCRIPTION PROJECT.  Board Secretary Joe Rokus designed a project to transcribe hundreds of letters held by the National Park Service. Coordinating the efforts of multiple volunteers at Lake of the Woods, the program successfully transcribed over 150 letters resulting in digitizing a part of history that can be accessed by future historians!

Respectfully submitted, 

Charles Brewer 

President Civil War Study Group, Inc. 

December 05, 2018 

 The President’s 2017 Annual Report of the Civil War Study Group, Inc. Locust Grove, Virginia

The Civil War Study Group, Inc., and its informal public organization, Civil War Study Group at Lake of the Woods, completed its seventh successful year. 

Attendance at regular monthly meetings continues to exceed 25, sometimes as high as the 50s. We have more than 200 names on our email list. The organization does not have general membership, nor does it have dues. Its officers and directors serve with no remuneration and its projects are funded through donations and an annual golf tournament.


In September, the board expressed its regret on the death of founding member, Vice President and Board Member Dwight Mottet in late August.

Officers elected in late 2016 to serve three-year terms beginning January 1, 2017, were 

President – Charles Brewer 

Vice President – Jack Phend 

Secretary – Joe Rokus 

Treasurer – Boggs Wright

Other Board members are: 

  Craig Rains

                            Bob Johnson

                           Allie Felder

Greg Stoner

In September founding Board member Dwight Mottet passed away.           


February 24.  John Hennessy, NPS Chief Historian in Fredericksburg spoke on the October 1862 bombardment of Fredericksburg.  His talk was titled “Vile Spirits or War Transformed?  The Looting and Bombardment of Fredericksburg.”

March 24.   Eugene D., Betit, PhD, spoke on “The Hite Family in the Civil War.”

April 28.  Pete Rainey, founding member and past President and Chairman of our group, spoke on “An Artist, a Gold Miner and a Writer in the Battle of the Wilderness.”

June 23.  Carolyn Elstner spoke on “Burying the Dead, J. Horace Lacy and the founding of the Fredericksburg Confederate Cemetery.”

July 28.  Author and historian Frank S. Walker, Jr., spoke on the Mine Run campaign of the winter of 1863.

August 25.  Orange County middle school teacher Rodney Hawkins described his experience at the Civil War Trust’s National Teacher Institute in Memphis during July.  Rodney was this year’s recipient of a $1,000 scholarship towards expenses for the Institute.

September 29.  Board member Bob Johnson explained his use of GPS technology to identify historic trails, skills he used to put together the driving tours he has made available on our website.

October 27.  Annual dinner, 75 in attendance.  Speaker was John Hennessy, NPS, Chief Historian for Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania National Military Park.  His topic was “Home Disrupted:  A Community Amidst War.”

November 17.  Rebekah Oakes, NPS Historian for Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania National Military Park spoke on “Still on Parade:  Civil War Veterans and a Usable Past in Great Depression-Era America.”


LAKE OF THE WOODS 50TH ANNIVERSARY. For the first three months of the year, the Lake of the Woods 50th Anniversary special exhibit at the James Madison Museum in the Town of Orange included five items from the Clubhouse display case to become part of Orange’s James Madison Museum exhibition celebrating the 50th anniversary of the establishing of LOW. Joe Rokus and Charles Brewer coordinated this. The items were returned to the cabinet at the display’s conclusion.   (As a side note, founding member and past President and Chairman Pete Rainey and Charles Brewer were responsible for producing 17 high-quality interpretive panels discussing various aspects of local history as well as the history of Lake of the Woods community for the past 50 years.)

CO-SPONSORED DINNER WITH FRIENDS OF THE WILDERNESS BATTLEFIELD  We co-sponsored with FoWB a March 29 dinner at Lake of the Woods Clubhouse with NPS historian Frank O’Reilly speaking on “The Battle of the Wilderness:  Bloody Road to Peace with Lee and Grant.”  The dinner was oversubscribed, with 140 attendees.

ORANGE COUNTY SCHOOLS HISTORICAL PROJECT. In May, the Civil War Study Group conducted the judging of posters by Locust Grove Elementary School and Lightfoot Elementary School fourth-grade students in the annual History Day Educational Program. Charles Brewer and Jack Phend were in charge of the project that involved several CWSG volunteers who did the judging 

BATTLE OF THE WILDERNESS MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT. This was the seventh year for this major fund-raiser for CWSGI. Jack Phend served as tournament director for the tournament at Lake of the Woods Golf Course. Fifty golfers and a record 27 sponsors helped raise about $3,500.00 for CWSGI projects. LOWVets again set up a raffle during golfers’ check-in and raised several hundred dollars for “Families of the Wounded” and the Hunter Homes McGuire VA Hospital in Richmond.

INFORMATIONAL SIGN INSTALLED AT THE SUSSEX MAIL SUBSTATION:  In June, the board ordered a sign installed at the Sussex Mail Substation on Lakeview Parkway memorializing the Confederate and Union battle lines immediately preceding Gordon’s Flank Attack, part of the Battle of the Wilderness.  This 36” wide by 24” tall panel, designed by Charles Brewer and Craig Rains, was gifted to Lake of the Woods Association, and was erected by LOW Facilities Management late in the month of October.

CO-SPONSORED WITH ORANGE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY THE REPRINT OF A MONOGRAPH COVERING THE MINE RUN CAMPAIGN.  Frank Walker and the Orange County Historic Society gained Civil War Trust approval to reprint a 1969 article titled “The Campaign That History Forgot.”  To allow them to obtain economies of scale, CWSGI agreed to purchase 20 of 50 copies to be printed.

DISPLAY CABINET REDEDICATED.  By unanimous vote, the Board voted in the Spring to rededicate the artifacts display cabinet in memory of Dan Hartwick, a long-time member responsible for the cabinet’s design and construction.  Many of the artifacts in the cabinet were found by Dan, who passed away in 2016.

Respectfully submitted,

Charles Brewer

President Civil War Study Group, Inc.

December 11, 2017 


The President’s 2016 Annual Report of the Civil War Study Group, Inc. Locust Grove, Virginia 

The Civil War Study Group, Inc., and its informal public organization, Civil War Study Group at Lake of the Woods, completed its sixth successful year. 

Attendance at regular monthly meetings continues to increase with the move to the lower level of the LOW Clubhouse. We have more than 250 names on our email list. The organization does not have general membership, nor does it have dues. Its officers and directors serve with no remuneration and its projects are funded through donations and an annual golf tournament. 


On March 15, 2016, Peter Rainey retired from the position of chairman of the corporation. There was no motion to elect a new Chairman and on October 6, 2016, the board voted unanimously to eliminate the position of Chairman.

The board expressed its regret on the untimely death of Dan Hartwick in September. Dan was a director who had resigned earlier in the year due to a family commitment. Dad and his wife Joyce had assumed responsibility for the artifacts display case in the LOW Clubhouse.

Also on October 6, three new board members were unanimously elected to begin serving January1, 1017. They were Allie Felder, Bob Johnson, and Greg Stoner. Their election was announced at the CWSG annual dinner on October 28 1916. 

Officers elected to serve three-year terms beginning January 1, 2017, were 

President – Charles Brewer 

Vice President – Jack Phend 

Secretary – Joe Rokus 

Treasurer – Boggs Wright 

Continuing to serve as directors for the next year are Dwight Mottet, one of the organization’s founding members, and Craig Rains.


February 26. “Missing the Mark on Mercy Street: Who was the Real Frank Stringfellow?” by Frank Stringfellow Walker Jr. whose name came from the real TV character who actually was a minister who christened Walker’s father. 

March 17.“Culpeper County: a Guided Civil War Tour — with Commentary from the Participants,” by Mike Block, president, Friends of Cedar Mountain Battlefield 

April 22. “The Confederacy’s Forgotten Son: Maj. Gen. James Lawson Kemper C.S.A.” by author Harold R. Woodward Jr. of Madison County. 

June 24. “Six Things We Bet You Didn’t Know about the Battle of Trevellian Station, June 11-12, 1864” by CWSGI President Craig Rains.  

July 22. “Finding Gems in Virginia’s Largest Regional Archives: Central Rappahannock Heritage Center.” by Elizabeth “Beth” Daly, a member of the board of directors of the Central Rappahannock Heritage Center. 

August 26. “A Pretty Good Start: Central Virginia Battlefields Trust at 20” by Ben Brockenbrough, chief administrator of Central Virginia Battlefields Trust, Inc. 

September 23. “Does the Civil War Really Matter Anymore?” by Sharon Grubbs, an area history teacher who was awarded a scholarship by CWSGI to attend the Civil War Trust’s National Teacher Institute. 

November 18. “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day”: the Carol and its Connection to the Mine Run Campaign of November-December, 1863 by Dr. Pete Rainey, former CWSGI chairman 


SPOTSWOOD AND APPERSON FAMILY CEMETERIES MARKED. In the first week of the new year, Carroll Memorials of Fredericksburg installed granite markers at the Spotswood and Apperson family cemeteries. CWSGI paid for the markers that featured the family names on bronze plaques. Six months later, interpretive panels were installed for each cemetery. Although these cemeteries had been here more than 150 years, this was the first time they had been permanently marked. The idea for the project came from Pete Rainey. 

ORANGE COUNTY SCHOOLS HISTORICAL PROJECT. In May, the Civil War Study Group conducted the judging of posters by Locust Grove Elementary School and Lightfoot Elementary School fourth-grade students in the annual History Day Educational Program. Jack Phend was in charge of the project that involved several CWSG volunteers who did the judging. 

BATTLE OF THE WILDERNESS MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT. This was the sixth year for this major fund-raiser for CWSGI. Jack Phend served as tournament director for the tournament at Lake of the Woods Golf Course. Fifty golfers and a record 27 sponsors helped raise about $3,500.00 for CWSGI projects. LOWVets again set up a raffle during golfers’ check-in and raised several hundred dollars for “Families of the Wounded” and the Hunter Homes McGuire VA Hospital in Richmond. 

INFORMATIONAL SIGN INSTALLED AT THE CWSGI MEMORIAL. In June, the board ordered a sign installed at the memorial on the Lake of the Woods Church property at the informal trailhead leading into the Wilderness Battlefield. It explains the purpose and meaning of the granite memorials placed there in 2014. 

HISTORICAL DRIVING TOUR OF LAKE OF THE WOODS. Because of the growing interest in the history of the LOW area, Bob Johnson spent several months developing a driving tour of points of interest within the community. His “History and Civil War Driving Tour” is now available free on-line in a nine-page size and a detailed 39-page version.

CWSG ANNUAL DINNER, October 28. “They Stood Like the ‘Old Guard of Napoleon’: Jefferson Davis and the pro-Bonaparte Democrats, 1815-1870” by Dr. Jeffrey L. Zvengrowski of the University of Virginia. The annual CWSG dinner was again a resounding success with more than 75 in attendance. Special this year was a “sneak peek” for a just-published book “Dear Old Ellwood: a Home in the Wilderness” that was written by Carolyn Jones Elstner, who was on hand to autograph copies. Charles Brewer coordinated the event that was held at the Lake of the Woods Clubhouse. 

ALEXANDER CEMETERY TOUR. On October 20, 2016, the Civil War Study Group teamed up with Friends of Wilderness Battlefield to give a tour of the historic Alexander Chapel Cemetery, located near the intersection of Route 3 and Route 20. Jack Phend chaired the project and the excellent tour was conducted by Joe Rokus. 

DEDICATION OF THE APPERSON FAMILY INTERPRETIVE PANEL. The Apperson family cemetery is located between 2006 and 2008 Lakeview Parkway. It was more than 100 years old when incorporated into the land acquired to create Lake of the Woods. On November 7, more than 30 descendants, friends, and local officials gathered for a dedication and unveiling of an interpretive panel at Edgemont Circle beach explaining the connection between the Apperson family and Lake of the Woods. Jack Phend was in charge of the event. The marking of the cemetery, as well as the Spotswood family cemetery, was the idea of retired CWSGI Chair Pete Rainey. 

LAKE OF THE WOODS 50TH ANNIVERSARY. Civil War Study Group’s final official act of 2016 will be the removal of five artifacts from the Clubhouse display case to become part of Orange’s James Madison Museum exhibition celebrating the 50th anniversary of the establishing of LOW. Joe Rokus and Charles Brewer are coordinating this. The exhibition will be open during the first quarter of 2017 and the artifacts will be returned to the cabinet at its conclusion.

Respectfully submitted, 

Craig Rains, President Civil War Study Group, Inc.

November 22, 2016 


The Civil War Study Group, Inc, and its informal public organization, Civil War Study Group at Lake of the Woods, completed its fifth successful year. Attendance at the regular meetings continues to increase. The golf tournament continues to provide sufficient revenue for the organization’s projects.    

Officers and directors. On October 15, 2015, an electronic vote was held to elect a new member to the board of directors who would serve as treasurer of the corporation. Boggs Wright was elected unanimously to begin his term of office immediately. CWSGI directors are Charles Brewer, Dan Hartwick, Dwight Mottet, Jack Phend, Pete Rainey, Craig Rains, Joe Rokus, and Boggs Wright.

Officers are Pete Rainey, chairman; Craig Rains, president; Dwight Mottet, vice-president; Joe Rokus, secretary; Boggs Wright, treasurer.


  • February 27. “Valentine’s Day and Other Wartime Memories” by Craig Rains. Included were several Civil War ballads performed by Dr. John Tole.
  • March 20. “The Story of Gordon’s Flank Attack as Told by Those Who Were There” was a presentation presented by Pete Rainey
  • April and May. See special events below
  • June 26. “All Four Years: Orange County in the Civil War” video presentation by Phil Audibert, videographer and writer from Gordonsville.
  • July 24. “Civil War Crossings” was a presentation by Jim Lillard of Madison, who discussed the challenges armies had in movements of troops and supplies across rivers and rutted Virginia roads.
  • August 28. Sharon Grubbs, fourth grade history teacher at Locust Grove Middle School, gave a report on her participation in the Civil War Trust’s National Teacher Institute, held in and around Washington, D.C.
  • September 25. “Finding the Culpeper Mine Road” was a presentation prepared by Pete Rainey and presented by Joe Rokus. This was the first monthly meeting to be held in the evening.
  • October 23. “The Inside Track on Tracks Through Time” was the theme of a presentation by Bob Johnson, with assistance by Frank Walker, on a new brochure about the history of railroads in Orange County.


  • Wilderness Battle Commemorative Dinner. A sold-out dinner was held at the Lake of the Woods Clubhouse on April 24. Charles Brewer was the director in charge. Guest speaker was David Goetz of Warrenton, who related events from his book “Hell is Being a Republican in Virginia: the Post-War Relationship Between John Singleton Mosby and Ulysses S. Grant.”
  • Wilderness Battle Commemorative Education Program. On May 2, CWSGI hosted an educational program competition that encouraged the creation of historical posters by Locust Grove Elementary School and Lightfoot Elementary School fourth-grade students. They and their families were feted at an exhibition of the posters and announcement of the winners on May 3 at Lake of the Woods Clubhouse. Director Joe Rokus coordinated the poster judging and awards event on behalf of CWSGI. The CWSGI 2015 Scholarship Award went to Sharon Grubbs of the Locust Grove Middle School to attend the Civil War Trust National Teacher Institute.
  • Memorial Monument. On May 5, the 151st anniversary of the Battle of the Wilderness, a remembrance ceremony was held at the CWSGI monument to those who remain on the battleground. Craig Rains was the speaker. Joe Rokus unveiled the memorial wreath. A prayer of remembrance was given by Pastor Adam Colson of Lake of the Woods Church. Dr. John Tole, president of the Rappahannock Historical Society, provided music and Roy Perry of Fredericksburg’s Matthew Fountaine Maury Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans sounded Taps. CWSGI created a permanent memorial wreath to be used at future ceremonies.
  • Battle of the Wilderness Memorial Golf Tournament. This was the fifth year for this major fund-raiser for CWSGI. It was held at Lake of the Woods Golf Course on May 22. Jack Phend served as tournament director. Forty golfers and 18 sponsors helped raise about $3,200 for CWSGI projects. LOWVets was invited to set up a raffle during golfers’ check-in and raised $800 for its Wounded Warriors project.
  • Clubhouse Artifacts Display. Director Dan Hardwick assumed responsibility for the display cabinet and its artifacts. He refreshed the look and rearranged some of the items. It remains the largest assortment of Civil War artifacts on public displays between Fredericksburg and Culpeper.
  •  Historic Cemeteries Markers. Granite markers with bronze plaques are ready for installation at the Spotswood and Apperson cemeteries inside Lake of the Woods. Funding was by CWSGI, with assistance by the Wilderness ‘tiques Chapter of The Questers and descendants of the Apperson family. (Note: if installation is completed by December 31, it will be noted here.)
  • Orange County Resolution of Appreciation. The Orange County Board of Supervisors presented a Resolution of Appreciate to CWSG for serving on the county’s Civil War Sesquicentennial Committee for the past four years. The committee was also recognized for its work by the Commonwealth’s Sesquicentennial Committee in a ceremony at the capitol.

Respectfully submitted,

 Rains, President

 Civil War Study Group, Inc.

 December 11, 2015




The Civil War Study Group, Inc., and its informal public organization, Civil War Study Group at Lake of the Woods, completed its fourth year with great success in a widening variety of historical projects and touching a record number of people interested in the Civil War fought in and around Lake of the Woods, Orange County, Virginia.

Officers and Directors. In May, Director Joe Nordsieck submitted his resignation from the board. At its midyear meeting on July 18, the board of directors voted to add Charles Brewer as a member. The board thus was made up of Charles Brewer, Dwight Mottet, Pete Rainey, Craig Rains, Joe Rokus, and Bill Wilson. Mr. Wilson submitted his resignation in November.

At the November annual meeting of the board, all members were present and unanimously extended their appreciation to Mr. Nordsieck and Mr. Wilson for outstanding contributions to the mission of the CWSGI. The board then elected Jack Phend to serve as a director,

During 2014, CWSGI officers were Pete Rainey, chairman and treasurer; Craig Rains, president; Dwight Mottet, vice president; and Joe Rokus, secretary.


  • February. Dr. John Tole, presidnet of the Rappahannock Historical Society, spoke on “Character and the Fiery Trial: Enigma, Reward.”
  • March. CWSGI Director Joe Rokus presented a program on the Battle of BrandyStation.
  • April. An overflow crowd heard NPS historian Steward Hendersonʼs presentation, “Fighting for Their Freedom: U.S. Colored Troops.”
  • May. See special events, below.
  • June. National Park Service historian Beth Parnicza brought along little-seen artifacts from the Chancellorsville Visitor Center for her presentation, “Artifacts and Individuals of the Battle of the Wilderness.”
  • July. CWSGI Chairman Pete Rainey presented “What is the most important and least commemorated event to occur in Orange County?”
  • August. Locust Grove Middle School instructor Sharon Grubbs gave the organization a report on her participation in the Civil War Trustʼs National Teacher Institute in Atlanta, Georgia, that she attended under a CWSGI scholarship.
  • September. Mike Block, president, and Diane Logan, vice president of the Friends of Cedar Mountain Battlefield, presented a program on the significance of that 1863 battle.
  • October. Chris Stephens, president of Historic Gordonsville, Inc., presented a program on the Exchange Hotel Civil War Medical Museum in Gordonsville.
  • November. Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania National Military Park Chief Historian John Hennessey and historian Beth Parnicza provided a behind-the-scenes tour of the revised and expanded exhibition just opened at the Chancellorsville Visitor Center.


  • Wilderness Battle Commemorative Education Program. For the 150th anniversary of the Battle of the Wilderness. CWSGI hosted an educational program competition that encouraged the creation of historical posters by Locust Grove Elementary School and Lightfoot Elementary School fourth-grade students. They and their families were feted at an exhibition of the posters and announcement of the winners on May 3 at Lake of the Woods Clubhouse. The CWSG 2014 Scholarship Award went to Sharon Grubbs of the Locust Grove Middle School to attend the Civil War Trust National Teacher Institute.
  • Wilderness Battle Commemorative Dinner. A dinner on May 3, featuring two experts from the Emerging Civil War Authors group, was held at the Lake of the Woods Clubhouse, with 144 in attendance. The two speakers were Chris Mackowski and Phill Greenwalt. John Tole wrote and performed a song specifically written for the 150th anniversary of the Battle of the Wilderness. Special guests included Russ Smith, former superintendent of the Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania National Battlefield, and Lucy Lawliss, recently appointed superintendent.
  • Memorial Monument. On May 5, the 150th anniversary of the first day of the Battle of the Wilderness, CWSGI unveiled its memorial dedicated to those soldiers who were killed in the battle and who still lie unknown on the battlefield. The landscaped granite memorial is located adjacent to the National Park Service battlefield across which the famed Gordonʼs flank attack took place. It was donated to Lake of the Wood Church for perpetual safekeeping.
  • Gordon Flank Attack Real-time Walking Tour. At dusk on May 6, the National Park Service led 200 visitors on a walking tour retracing part of the Confederate flank attack led by General John B. Gordon. The NPS asked CWSGI to provide assistance in gaining entrance into LOW, handling the crowds, and parking. The LOWA general manager and security officers provided major assistance in this successful event.
  • Battle of the Wilderness Memorial Golf Tournament. The fourth annual memorial tournament was again led by Bill Wilson and took place at Lake of the Woods Golf Course on May 23. The tournament fielded 40 players and had 18 sponsors, helping raise about $3,700.00 for CWSGI projects.
  • Wilderness ʻTiques Antiques Appraisal Show. On October 25, the Wilderness ʻTiques Chapter of Questers International sponsored an antiques appraisal show at the LOW Clubhouse. The chapter donated the showʼs $1,100.00 proceeds to CWSGI to be put towards the marking of three historical cemeteries inside Lake of the Woods.
  • Clubhouse Artifacts Display. CWSGI continued to add objects to its display of Civil War artifacts and relics at the LOW clubhouse. It is the largest public display of war artifacts specifically related to the Battle of the Wilderness in eastern Orange County.

Respectfully submitted,

Craig Rains



 The Civil War Study Group, Inc., and its informal public organization, Civil War Study Group at Lake of the Woods (CWSG), completed its third year as a continuing dynamic entity that had found a growing group of interested individuals who are attracted to the historic aura that surrounds Lake of the Woods and eastern Orange County. This report for 2013 shows the continuation of the study group’s successes of the previous two years. 

Officers and Directors. At the June board of directors meeting, Craig Rains was elected President, Dwight L. Mottet was elected Vice President, and Pete Rainey was elected Treasurer. Dr. Rainey was reelected Chairman and Josef Rokus was reelected Secretary. Joe Nordsieck continued to serve as a director. 

Marcia Baggott was elected to the board on July 16 but resigned three months later due to her increased professional workload. 


The study group continued to build its monthly study group meetings and attendance increased. Here is a summary of the year’s meetings.

 January. Josef Rokus began the new year with a presentation on Lt. John Patterson, recipient of the Medal of Honor for his actions in the Battle of the Wilderness. Mr. Rokus has written a book about Lt. Patterson and the Medal of Honor.

 February. “The Most Awful Time I Ever Saw in My Life … Here in the LOW Area?” was presented by Craig Rains. Featured were letters from soldiers who described their experiences in the 1864 Battle of the Wilderness. 

March. Pete Rainey presented “The Civil War in Our Backyards,” a presentation he and others from CWSG made to Locust Grove Elementary School fourth-grade students.

 April. Two authors presented stories of three area residents and the impact of the Battle of the Wilderness on their lives. Pete Rainey discussed his ancestors Pvt. John

R. Spotswood and his father J.R.Spotswood, and John Samuel Apperson, who lived in what is now LOW. Josef Rokus told of Pvt. David Kyle of Culpeper County, who was Stonewall Jackson’s guide when the general was wounded at Chancellorsville.

 June. Robert Johnson, a member of the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club, presented “Walking in their Footsteps,” a detailed presentation of the walking trails available on the greater Wilderness Battlefield.

 July. Lou Price, co-owner of Village Frameworks & Gallery in Culpeper, discussed how to preserve historical documents and showed examples of her family letters that told of the Army of the Potomac occupying her great-great-grandaunt’s Culpeper County property in 1864. 

August. Craig Rains presented “Armament in the Battle of the Wilderness,” a litany of the various types of weapons of war –from the invention of gunpowder through those used in the Wilderness in May 1864. 

September. The CWSG annual luncheon featured Garry Adelman, Civil War Trust’s Director of Education and History Director, who gave a dramatic presentation on the battle of Payne’s Farm during the 1863 Mine Run Campaign. He also covered the Civil War Trust’s preservation and interpretive efforts conducted there. There was a record turnout for this event at the LOW Clubhouse. 

October. Craig Rains presented ‘A Civil War Challenge” in which the audience participated in a lively discussion of various pieces of trivia concerning the Civil War and the Battle of the Wilderness. 

There were no meetings in Novemberand December.  


3rd Annual CWSG Battle of the Wilderness Golf Tournament. The study group’s primary source of revenue for its projects is this annual golf tournament, held the Friday before Memorial Day weekend. On May 24, Bill Wilson again spearheaded the project, with outstanding participation by sponsors and players. 

Memorial Wreath-laying Ceremony. For the second year, CWSG held a memorial wreath-laying ceremony on May 5 to honor those who died during the Battle of the Wilderness. Pete Rainey conducted the brief event and placed the event at the site of the monument on Saunders Field at Hill-Ewell Road and Constitution Highway (Route 20). 

Park Day 2013. On April 6, Josef Rokus led the CWSG contingent in assisting the Civil War Trust and Friends of Wilderness Battlefield in the 13th annual Park Day clean­up of the Wilderness Battlefield. At the Saunders Field exhibit shelter, Mr. Rokus set up a table-top display of CWSG activities and answered questions about the organization.  


CWSG Website. The organization’s website,, was activated in June. CWSGI is indebted to Charles Brewer, who created and designed the site, and turned it into one of which any organization would be proud. 

Clubhouse Artifacts Display Cabinet. Significant additions to the display include a post-war Federal kepi on loan from Betsy Wilson, and a Confederate 6-pounder cannon ball on loan from Stephen Przepiora.

Orange County Sesquicentennial Committee. CWSGI had two of its officers –Pete Rainey and Craig Rains –serve on the committee formed to put on events in commemoration of Orange County actions during the Civil War. The primary event was the Mine Run Symposium, held November 16 at Locust Grove Middle School. Dr. Rainey was one of the three keynote speakers. Mr. Rains served as event coordinator under the direction of Orange County Tourism Director Leigh Mayer. CWSG was a co­sponsor of the event, along with Orange County Tourism, Civil War Trust and Friends of Wilderness Battlefield. 

Journey Through Hallowed Ground. Director Joe Nordsieck is coordinating CWSG’s participation with the county schools in this non-profit four-state partnership. He, along with Dr. Rainey and Mr. Joe Rokus, continue to work with the Orange County Public Schools and others under JTHG to develop a series of “vodcasts” focusing on Orange County events in the Civil War. 

Virginia’s Civil War 150 Legacy Project. Ken Tillman coordinated this project for the study group in which letters and papers of the Civil War and Reconstruction era in private hands are being digitalized by archivists of the Library of Virginia for preservation and on-line public research. 

FINALLY, in 2013, Pete Rainey wrote an e-book FINDING CULPEPER MINE ROAD, where Generals Sedgwick and Ewell faced each other in The Wilderness, which was edited by Josef Rokus. This 162-page book includes 65 graphics, maps and photos. It can be downloaded for PCs in Kindle Edition from Amazon and Google and in for Apple OS computers from iTunes. 


May 3. Battle of the Wilderness Commemorative Education Program.For the 150th anniversary of the Battle of the Wilderness, CWSG will host an educational program competition encouraging creation of historical posters by Locust Grove Elementary School and Lightfoot Elementary School fourth-grade students. They and their families will attend an exhibition of the posters and announcement of the winners at Lake of the Woods Clubhouse. 

May 3. Battle of the Wilderness Commemorative Dinner. A reception and dinner, featuring two experts from the “Emerging Civil War Authors” group, will be held at the Lake of the Woods Clubhouse. One speaker has written a book about the Battle of the Wilderness; the other had an ancestor who was killed in the battle. 

May 5. Dedication of the Wilderness Battlefield Memorial Monument.The first monument dedicated to those who still lie unknown on the Wilderness battlefield will be dedicated at 11 a.m. The monument is being made by Carroll Memorials of Fredericksburg and will be placed in an area of Gordon’s flank attack on a plot of ground donated by Lake of the Wood Church and adjoining the National Park Service’s Wilderness Battlefield. 

May 23. Battle of the Wilderness Memorial Golf Tournament. The fourth annual tournament again will be the primary fund-raiser for the Civil War Study Group, led by Bill Wilson. Sponsorships and registrations begin in January 2014 for this event that will be held at Lake of the Woods Golf Course. 

Respectfully submitted,

Craig Rains President Civil War Study Group, Inc. Lake of the Woods, Virginia 

December 31, 2013


We should be both proud and humbled at our remarkable achievements this year. 

Our annual Battle of the Wilderness Memorial Golf Tournament was a success due to Bill Wilson’s leadership. Mr. Jackson’s cannon and those in uniform and period dress added a special touch. 

We initiated several projects during the year that will be annual events henceforth. The first week of March, we presented to the fourth grades of Locust Grove Elementary School the story of the Civil War in our Backyard. This was our first educational project outside of Lake of the Woods. Next year we will participate in the development of the curriculum for the Orange County elementary, middle and high school pertaining to the history of the Civil War in Orange County.

On May 5, 2012, a band of members and friends laid a wreath at the 140thNew York Volunteers Monument in the Wilderness Battlefield while Mr. Jackson fired a saluting battery from his property nearby. Next year we will expand participation in this ceremony.

In June, Donald Pfanz, Staff Historian at the National Park Service’s Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park, made an excellent and very informative presentation titled “Skeleton Hunt: The Burial of Union Soldiers in the Wilderness.” It was very well received by the 60 members and guests who attended. This was the first in a planned series of talks on subjects related to the Civil War in the Lake of the Woods area and was followed by a period of questions and answers. Special thanks go to Dwight Mottet for making the arrangements. On Friday, October 26, Prof. Stephen Cushman, a professor at the University of Virginia, gave an excellent talk about his forthcoming Civil War book at the luncheon at the Lake of the Woods Clubhouse at which we had 40 attendees. Special thanks go to Bob Johnson for inviting Dr. Cushman. A schedule of our meetings for next year is enclosed with this letter.

When Lake of the Woods was established, the developer installed a display of Civil War relics in the clubhouse. In Easter Sunday 1980, it was destroyed in the fire that consumed much of the clubhouse. On November 14, 2012, we dedicated a new display cabinet in the clubhouse, filled with relics of the Battle of the Wilderness, photographs and descriptive plaques. 

Throughout the year, we continued to pursue collecting the written history of events along Culpeper Mine Road and relic hunting along its trace, always with permission. A manuscript has been drafted to tell the story of Finding Culpeper Mine Road.

Not all our objectives require funding; the most important require your time and commitment. 

One story particularly timely for the season relates to a church at the end of the Culpeper Mine Road. The original New Hope Meeting House, located just east of the present building, was destroyed sometime around 1860. The second building had been constructed by 1863, when it was commandeered by the Confederate Army and used as a field hospital during the Mine Run Campaign and the Battle of the Wilderness. The son of the famous poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was injured very close to the church and brought there for immediate medical attention. A bullet had just missed his spine. It was while sitting at his son’s bedside following this injury in December of 1863 that Longfellow penned his famous words,

I heard the bells on Christmas Day

Their old familiar carols play,

And wild and sweet

the words repeat

of peace on Earth, good-will to men!


We should be both proud and humbled at our remarkable achievements this year. 

We started with about half a dozen and are now six fold larger.  We set our objective for the year and as events unfolded, responded to each event constructively, this is not an easy thing to do.  Foremost, we now have the history during the Battle of the Wilderness that occurred in our backyards.  

We have left a legacy that will be here after we are gone, and that legacy is an enhancement to our community.  I speak of the three permanent interpretive plaques recently installed at Spotswood Park, Woods Center parking, and Cornwallis beach. Many of our members spent a lot of time on researching and discovering the material that went into those plaques. That is what we are about.  A special thank you goes to those that found the Becker field hospital sketch and obtain the rights for us to use that image in our plaque at Spotswood.  We did the task the right way; we obtained professional help in the design and insured we met the highest standards for manufacture of the plaques.

Our principle event, the first annual Battle of the Wilderness Memorial golf tournament was a success and a blast due to Bill Wilson’s leadership. It was an act of genius to select the Friday before Memorial Day; it not only avoids conflict with NPS and FoWB events in May but also reminds us that Memorial Day was founded to mark the graves of those that fell in the Civil War. Craig and John added a special touch in the uniforms. Many members contributed in other ways. 

A major part of the research was doing what some considered impossible, locating with precision the path of the old Culpeper Mine Road.  Joe Rokus, Bob Johnson and Dan Hartwick spent many hours studying old maps and on the ground to establish the path with lat- long way points.  Others researched the literature to correlate the events that occurred on that path on 5 and 6 May 1864 with current locations in LOW. 

Our major objectives for next year are to obtain a custom made heritage display cabinet, compose and present a lesson for 4th grade on the Civil War in Our Backyard and hold the 2nd annual Battle of the Wilderness Memorial golf tournament. Dan Hartwick has worked with a local custom cabinet firm to design and price a display cabinet.  He is working with a second source to obtain another bid.  Gayle Buresh has been working with the new Locust Grove school to have us present to their entire fourth grade next Spring.  I’ve been working with Gayle on the PowerPoint presentation.

Bill has reserved the 25th of May for our 2nd annual golf tournament. We are starting much earlier this year to prepare for the event and solicit sponsors for the tournament.

Thank you all for your time and support. 

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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